Output options

... or how to change secator's console output.

secator is built to be flexible in terms of output options.


The default secator output is the Output types repr function. It is supposed to be pretty and readable to quickly understand secator's findings:

Unicode icons are printed before each result to distinguish each output type:

When a vulnerability has a low confidence, the output will be dimmed:

JSON lines (-json)

You can use -json to output live results as JSON lines:

secator x httpx example.com -json

JSON lines output is pipeable / streameable to other tools like jq.

Raw (-raw)

You can use -rawto output live results in plaintext format:

secator x httpx example.com -raw

Raw output is saveable to txt files or can be used for chaining tasks using UNIX pipes.

Custom format (-fmt)

You can use -fmtto output live results in a format of your choice:

secator x naabu example.com -fmt '{host}:{port} -> {service_name}'

Custom formatting is based on the Output types fields.

Last updated